This blog exists purely as a place for me to dump random links and thoughts I have rather than emailing them to my friends. It'll have large amounts of inside jokes. Also there will probably be times when I write "you" or refer to an email. Just pretend that you are reading an email to you. If you don't know me you likely won't find anything here interesting. If you do know me you also will not find anything here interesting.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Best of Youtube
Recently I had the idea to go through my chat logs and grab youtube links and use the most frequently sent ones as a best of. Well I crafted a series of commands piped into each other to go through the logs and count the youtube links and then output a list with counts.
The list was kind of disappointing in that it's 90% music. On the plus side all the songs are great. I was going to write something to grab the titles for this list, but I like the surprise better.
29 SMWi7CLoZ2Q
17 oHg5SJYRHA0
13 QH2-TGUlwu4
7 wusGIl3v044
7 DhaRkWfaq10
6 ZZ5LpwO-An4
6 SiQmzz_MjsU
6 qpl5mOAXNl4
6 j5C6X9vOEkU
6 flMS2gHFOH0
5 XUd4Cbc49mg
5 LatorN4P9aA
5 jItz-uNjoZA
5 EF8GhC-T_Mo
5 d56V-mmBoow
5 4r7wHMg5Yjg
4 zT3iviHrhUI
4 Sq3eLdixvCc
4 sP4NMoJcFd4
4 r-lxwlgyhhA
4 oY59wZdCDo0
4 oc-P8oDuS0Q
4 M11SvDtPBhA
4 laKprX-HP94
4 bLHc-yIAPbg
4 7YQ1PhOnM3I
4 14btYfUBpoI
3 y5CVAKoavBk
3 xRkA6zugNMQ
3 X_I4wtNPv5w
3 xaPepCVepCg
3 vWz9VN40nCA
3 -u-HCHCuHMg
3 Sf8cM7f6P2I
3 rBllejn5fVA
3 QFm87zk_t3g
3 Oqq6jppAYFo
3 lwESraWEpSU
3 lfF1rT0Iztk
3 Kw5oJoUYTb8
3 KiQzUEc_FmI
3 jyTpk6xyzzk
3 J---aiyznGQ
3 I9lmvX00TLY
3 FbNyO2eti2c
3 ewvSbgXFLo4
3 eDI6kddtv04
3 dJoo7Tgjr8U
3 dFypAB7nYGA
3 -CCbnpMCdds
3 bXjNx9siNwI
3 a6_R8GPgLJo
3 6QZD_niSlK8
3 524Tf0dNRNw
3 4gpNqB4dnT4
3 3iUFZvaI3wE
3 _1nzEFMjkI4
3 0h0J1sphPu4
3 00aV3Yu05oI
ack-grep "youtube\.com\/watch\?v\=([\w-]+)" --nogroup -oh | uniq | sort | uniq -cd | sort -rn -k1,1 > ~/
The list was kind of disappointing in that it's 90% music. On the plus side all the songs are great. I was going to write something to grab the titles for this list, but I like the surprise better.
29 SMWi7CLoZ2Q
17 oHg5SJYRHA0
13 QH2-TGUlwu4
7 wusGIl3v044
7 DhaRkWfaq10
6 ZZ5LpwO-An4
6 SiQmzz_MjsU
6 qpl5mOAXNl4
6 j5C6X9vOEkU
6 flMS2gHFOH0
5 XUd4Cbc49mg
5 LatorN4P9aA
5 jItz-uNjoZA
5 EF8GhC-T_Mo
5 d56V-mmBoow
5 4r7wHMg5Yjg
4 zT3iviHrhUI
4 Sq3eLdixvCc
4 sP4NMoJcFd4
4 r-lxwlgyhhA
4 oY59wZdCDo0
4 oc-P8oDuS0Q
4 M11SvDtPBhA
4 laKprX-HP94
4 bLHc-yIAPbg
4 7YQ1PhOnM3I
4 14btYfUBpoI
3 y5CVAKoavBk
3 xRkA6zugNMQ
3 X_I4wtNPv5w
3 xaPepCVepCg
3 vWz9VN40nCA
3 -u-HCHCuHMg
3 Sf8cM7f6P2I
3 rBllejn5fVA
3 QFm87zk_t3g
3 Oqq6jppAYFo
3 lwESraWEpSU
3 lfF1rT0Iztk
3 Kw5oJoUYTb8
3 KiQzUEc_FmI
3 jyTpk6xyzzk
3 J---aiyznGQ
3 I9lmvX00TLY
3 FbNyO2eti2c
3 ewvSbgXFLo4
3 eDI6kddtv04
3 dJoo7Tgjr8U
3 dFypAB7nYGA
3 -CCbnpMCdds
3 bXjNx9siNwI
3 a6_R8GPgLJo
3 6QZD_niSlK8
3 524Tf0dNRNw
3 4gpNqB4dnT4
3 3iUFZvaI3wE
3 _1nzEFMjkI4
3 0h0J1sphPu4
3 00aV3Yu05oI