Sunday, December 7, 2014

Best of Youtube

Recently I had the idea to go through my chat logs and grab youtube links and use the most frequently sent ones as a best of.  Well I crafted a series of commands piped into each other to go through the logs and count the youtube links and then output a list with counts.

ack-grep "youtube\.com\/watch\?v\=([\w-]+)" --nogroup -oh | uniq | sort | uniq -cd  | sort -rn -k1,1 > ~/

The list was kind of disappointing in that it's 90% music.  On the plus side all the songs are great.  I was going to write something to grab the titles for this list, but I like the surprise better.

29 SMWi7CLoZ2Q
17 oHg5SJYRHA0
13 QH2-TGUlwu4
7 wusGIl3v044
7 DhaRkWfaq10
6 ZZ5LpwO-An4
6 SiQmzz_MjsU
6 qpl5mOAXNl4
6 j5C6X9vOEkU
6 flMS2gHFOH0
5 XUd4Cbc49mg
5 LatorN4P9aA
5 jItz-uNjoZA
5 EF8GhC-T_Mo
5 d56V-mmBoow
5 4r7wHMg5Yjg
4 zT3iviHrhUI
4 Sq3eLdixvCc
4 sP4NMoJcFd4
4 r-lxwlgyhhA
4 oY59wZdCDo0
4 oc-P8oDuS0Q
4 M11SvDtPBhA
4 laKprX-HP94
4 bLHc-yIAPbg
4 7YQ1PhOnM3I
4 14btYfUBpoI
3 y5CVAKoavBk
3 xRkA6zugNMQ
3 X_I4wtNPv5w
3 xaPepCVepCg
3 vWz9VN40nCA
3 -u-HCHCuHMg
3 Sf8cM7f6P2I
3 rBllejn5fVA
3 QFm87zk_t3g
3 Oqq6jppAYFo
3 lwESraWEpSU
3 lfF1rT0Iztk
3 Kw5oJoUYTb8
3 KiQzUEc_FmI
3 jyTpk6xyzzk
3 J---aiyznGQ
3 I9lmvX00TLY
3 FbNyO2eti2c
3 ewvSbgXFLo4
3 eDI6kddtv04
3 dJoo7Tgjr8U
3 dFypAB7nYGA
3 -CCbnpMCdds
3 bXjNx9siNwI
3 a6_R8GPgLJo
3 6QZD_niSlK8
3 524Tf0dNRNw
3 4gpNqB4dnT4
3 3iUFZvaI3wE
3 _1nzEFMjkI4
3 0h0J1sphPu4
3 00aV3Yu05oI

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